Start Your Blog, Make Money Online and Leave Your Job for Good


If you have always wondered how to start your own blog and make money online, this course is definitely for you. We will take you through the entire process to get your first WordPress blog up and running.

We will start by narrowing down your ideas and deciding which one is going to be the topic of the blog. We will then determine your domain name, hosting site, and even install WordPress once we have purchased your site. This will all lead to a brief overview of WordPress and doing things like: Installing a theme, editing your basics info, understanding the difference between a post and a page, and even publishing your first post! We will also cover the topic how much money you can earn with your blog and what you should do to make enough money blogging to leave your job for good.

Who is the target audience?
New bloggers
People looking to start a blog
People looking to build a website
Business owners
Small business owners
Online marketers
People new to the Internet
Anyone willing to learn a new skill


DATE, TIME AND PLACE: Sunday, October 1, 2017, 14.00-15.00, rPod coworking space, Pattaya

FREE! LEARNING COURSE.  To attend the training, please confirm in the link.

Start Your Blog, Make Money Online and Leave Your Job for Good

The Best WordPress Themes by Max Wilhard

My Year in Startup Hell – Fortune

My Year in Startup Hell – Fortune

Basic CMYK

Hear the one about the unemployed middle-aged guy who tripped and fell into the new economy?

An exclusive sneak peek at the book “Disrupted.”

HubSpot filed for an IPO on Aug. 25, 2014, and launched under the symbol HUBS on the New York Stock Exchange that October, with a market valuation of $880 million. Dan Lyons left HubSpot in December 2014. He never signed the nondisparagement and…

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My Year in Startup Hell – Fortune

Hear the one about the unemployed middle-aged guy who tripped and fell into the new economy?

An exclusive sneak peek at the book “Disrupted.”

HubSpot filed for an IPO on Aug. 25, 2014, and launched under the symbol HUBS on the New York Stock Exchange that October, with a market valuation of $880 million. Dan Lyons left HubSpot in December 2014. He never signed the nondisparagement and nondisclosure paperwork the company gave him. (HubSpot says it won’t comment on employee agreements.) On July 29, 2015, HubSpot issued a press release saying its CMO, Mike Volpe—the man called “Cranium” in Lyons’s book—had been terminated because he “violated the Company’s Code of Business Conduct and Ethics” in his “attempts to procure” a copy of a book involving HubSpot, presumably the book excerpted above, a fact that HubSpot confirmed with Fortune. We attempted by email and telephone to contact Mr. Volpe for comment; we were unable to reach him. When asked for comment on Lyons’s experience at the company, HubSpot CEO and co-founder Brian Halligan said the following: “We believe that to build a great company today, it’s essential to have a point of view on how the world has changed, what you are doing about it and why it matters. We started HubSpot a decade ago believing that the way people buy and sell had fundamentally changed. We saw an opportunity to help organizations adjust to that shift, and today we’re proud to have more than 18,000 customers who have chosen to partner with us to transform how they market and sell.”

A version of this article appears in the April 1, 2016 issue of Fortune.

via My Year in Startup Hell at Hubspot – Fortune

Press Release | July 29, 2015 | HubSpot Appoints Kipp Bodnar as Chief Marketing Officer

To buy a book/read samples: Disrupted: My Misadventure in the Start-Up Bubble,” by Dan Lyons